The Rox Blog

fredag, februar 24, 2006

your inquiry has been redirected...

This blog is from last year's adventures in CTEP (the AmeriCorps Community Technology Empowerment Project).

For this year's adventures, please visit my current blog.
It's much more interesting visually that this one.

Feel free to comment the hell out of it.

Have a great day!


  • At 1:23 p.m., Anonymous Anonym said…

    Hey rox...I was browsing for information on the coolest kid in the world when I stumbled on to your blog. I can tell why with your latest post on your inquiry has been redirected... it really caught my attention. I'd love to see more information about the coolest kid in the world and I'll come back by to see what you have going on here as well. Thanks again!


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