The Rox Blog

onsdag, august 19, 2009

moving wendy

Wendy moved most of her stuff to her new place (in my hood) on Monday. Me, Laura, Lisa, Mahi and Tavo helped.
Wendy had borrowed her friend Chris's van, and told him that she would give him beer and gas but not together. He said, "you don't know what I'm into" and that's when the genius struck and Wendy decided that we needed to fill the van with beer farts.

After the moving, we sat down with some sharpies and posterboard to make some beer farts. Then we cut them out and taped them all over the van. We even hid some.

There was a chipotle burrito farting on the dashboard, a giant White Castle with farts bursting from the top in the front, a Hot Cheeto flamer coming from the back seat, a rocket, an onomatopoeia pfffft and many more.
Then of course we had to pose with them.

Here are some pics.