Other April Stuff
4/8 CTEP Corps Day
We had our check-in and all that, then committee time. The bog/newsletter/reflection committee got a lot accomplished: we decided on our first blog reflection activity, brainstormed about our newsletter and 'end of the year compilation" and worked out a plan of what each of us are going to do before next meeting.
I'm a little disappointed that people still haven't sent me their directory info- and it kinds stinks for the people who did it right away because we all have to wait! I'm not sure what to do- I don't want to do a written thing because then one of us will have to type it up and that's just lame. Sigh...
We also did diversity training- which, despite the name conjuring images of corporate white men talking about diversity, was a good discussion about what diversity is and what effects how we feel and act about/towards people who are different from us. We got into the DMZ for government programs- God- and it got kinda heated. For me, there's always this weird tension with the mention of religion or spirituality at work- I've been trained that work is not the time and place for those discussions. Especially when you are part of a government program. It really got me thinking about why that is, because I think that rule is in place so that people don't feel discriminated against for whatever religion/spirituality they associate with. But at the same time, our group has been encouraged to get to know each other and we've delved into the depths of who we all are every other week. For many people that's a huge part of who they are, which I think when we are talking about ourselves was fine- we included it in our personal journeys and what not. But I don't think we can have trainings on that kind of thing. I'm not really sure what happened.
4/14 I went to the ICC meeting at Powderhorn Park, and we mostly finalized the plan for Spring Fun Day. I think it will be a lot of fun! I guess it was appropriately named because it certainly is spring...
We also reviewed the mission statement of the ICC and I think it's actually the first time that I had heard it, having started late. I'm going to have to get my hands on it I think.
We figured that we have been doing a good job of following the mission, and we also started brainstorming the end of the year celebration because there is no Summit this year. Hmmm...
Sky Teen Computer
I planned all this great stuff for the teens at Skyline, but they don't seem interested. They come down for open teen lab, and come summer they won't have programs so I think we shoud do something cool in the lab. I'd like to get to know some of them so that we can maybe do a video project with the mobile lab but I don't know at this point...
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